Mahdi Nasrullah Al-Ameen
Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science
Utah State University
If to choose between the sunny and a rainy day,
it's the later – it comes with a rainbow.
If to choose between an open city and dense woods,
it's the later – it signals unseen mysteries.
If to choose between bicycle and a car,
may be, the later – on some days, I am very lazy.
If to choose between a free trip to the moon and
a walk in evening – just anywhere – with a friend I care,
it's always the later…because…it matters…
September 2024: Our paper titled, ​​“Synchronized parenting is like mixing oil and water”: Reimagining Parental Control for Co-parenting in the Divorced Households”, is accepted in ACM CSCW 2025
July 2024: Our paper titled, ​​“Mental Model-Based Designs: The Study in Privacy Policy Landscape ”, is accepted in International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction
July 2024: Our paper titled, ​​“Hacker, Their Actions, and Fear Appeal: A First Look Through the Lens of Children”, is accepted in ACM CSCW 2024
July 2024: Our paper titled, ​​“A First Look into Fake Profiles on Social Media through the Lens of Victim's Experiences”, is accepted in ACM CSCW 2024
May 2024: Our paper titled, “Leveraging the Power of Storytelling to Encourage and Empower Children towards Strong Passwords”, is accepted in ACM CSCW 2024
​​March 2024: Our paper titled, “I feel like he’s looking in the computer world to be social, but I can’t trust his judgement”: Reimagining Parental Control for Children with ASD, is accepted in CHI 2024
​​March 2024: Our paper titled, A First Look into Targeted Clickbait and its Countermeasures: The Power of Storytelling, is accepted in CHI 2024
​​March 2024: Our paper titled, “It's like educating us older people...”: Unveiling Needs and Expectations Regarding Educational Features within Parental Control Tools, is accepted in CHI 2024 (LBW)
​​February 2024: Our paper titled, "It is Luring You to Click on the Link with False Advertising"- Mental Models of Clickbait and Its Impact on User's Perceptions and Behavior Towards Clickbait Warnings, is accepted in International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction
December 2023: Our paper titled, Towards the Design and Evaluation of Clickbait Education Content: Leveraging User Mental Models and Learning Science Principles, is accepted in 18th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
​November 2023: Our paper titled, Priming through Persuasion: Towards Secure Password Behavior, is accepted in ACM CSCW 2024
​November 2023: Our paper titled, "It's hard for him to make choices sometimes and he needs guidance": Re-orienting Parental Control for Children, is accepted in ACM CSCW 2024
​​October 2023: Our paper titled, “…I have my dad, sister, brother, and mom’s password”: Unveiling Users’ Mental Models of Security and Privacy-Preserving Tools, is accepted in Information & Computer Security
July 2023: Our paper titled, A First Look into Software Security Practices in Bangladesh, is accepted in ACM COMPASS 2023
June 2023: Our paper titled, "After she fell asleep, it went to my next podcast, which was about a serial killer": Unveiling Needs and Expectations Regarding Parental Control within Digital Assistant, is accepted in Conference Companion Publication on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (ACM CSCW) 2023
June 2023: Our paper titled, "It doesn't just feel like something a lawyer slapped together."– Mental-Model-Based Privacy Policy for Third-Party Applications on Facebook, is accepted in Conference Companion Publication on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (ACM CSCW) 2023
June 2023: Our paper titled, Understanding the Challenges in Academia to Prepare Nursing Students for Digital Technology Use at Workplace, is accepted in Conference Companion Publication on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (ACM CSCW) 2023
June 2023: Our paper titled, Can Password Meter be More Effective Towards User Attention, Engagement, and Attachment?: A Study of Metaphor-based Designs, is accepted in Conference Companion Publication on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (ACM CSCW) 2023
April 2023: Hanieh has passed PhD Qualifying Exam. Now, she is officially a PhD Candidate! Congratulations!
​February–March 2023: Ankit, Prakriti, and Rizu have passed PhD proposal defense. Congratulations!
February 2023: Arezou has passed PhD Qualifying Exam. Now, she is officially a PhD Candidate! Congratulations!
December 2022: Our paper titled, 'I have learned that things are different here': Understanding the Transitional Challenges with Technology Use after Relocating to the USA, is accepted in 25th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction
December 2022: Our paper titled, Towards Improving the Efficacy of Windows Security Notifier for Apps from Unknown Publishers: The Role of Rhetoric​, is accepted in 25th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction
November 2022: Our paper titled, A Deep Dive into User's Preferences and Behavior around Mobile Phone Sharing, is accepted in ACM CSCW 2023
May 2022: Our paper titled, Imagined Online Communities: Communionship, Sovereignty, and Inclusiveness in Bangladeshi Facebook Groups, is accepted in ACM CSCW 2022
April 2022: Our paper titled, The Role of Intermediaries, Terrorist Assemblage, and Re-skilling in the Adoption of Cashless Transaction Systems in Bangladesh, is accepted in ACM COMPASS 2022
March–April 2022: Rizu, Prakriti, and Ankit have passed PhD Qualifying Exam. Now, they are officially PhD Candidate! Congratulations!
March 2022: Our paper titled, Understanding the Behavior, Challenges, and Privacy Risks in Digital Technology Use by Nursing Professionals, is accepted in ACM CSCW 2022
January 2022: Invited to serve in the Program Committee of CHI 2022 (LBW)
December 2021: Our paper titled, Intermediate Help with Using Digital Devices and Online Accounts: Understanding the Needs, Expectations, and Vulnerabilities of Young Adults, is accepted in 24th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction
November 2021: Our Grant Proposal, in collaboration with the University of Toronto and Cornell University, is selected for funding by Meta (Facebook) Research [Press Release]
October 2021: Prakriti and Rizu have switched from MS to PhD program
September 2021: Ankit has switched from MS to PhD program
September 2021: Invited to serve in the Program Committee of ACM COMPASS 2022
August 2021: Invited to serve in the Program Committee of ICTD 2022
August 2021: Hanieh and Arezou have joined the lab as GRA
June 2021: Invited to serve in the Program Committee of AsiaCCS 2022
May 2021: Our paper titled, Purdah, Amanah, and Gheebat: Understanding Privacy in Bangladeshi ''pious'' Muslim Communities, is accepted in ACM COMPASS 2021
May 2021: Awarded with NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Supplement Grant
May 2021: Our paper titled,``We, three brothers have always known everything of each other'': A Cross-cultural Study of Sharing Digital Devices and Online Accounts , is accepted in Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS)
April 2021: Awarded as USU Computer Science Faculty Researcher of the Year
February 2021: Our paper titled, A First Look into User's Perceptions of Facial Recognition in the Physical World, is accepted in Computers & Security
January 2021: Invited to serve in the Program Committee of ACM COMPASS 2021
January 2021: Ankit, Prakriti, and Rizu have joined the lab as GRA
December 2020: Invited to serve in the Program Committee of CHI 2021 (LBW)
December 2020: Our paper titled, A Look into User's Privacy Perceptions and Data Practices of IoT Devices, is accepted in Information and Computer Security
December 2020: Our paper titled, Understanding User's Behavior and Protection Strategy upon Losing, or Identifying Unauthorized Access to Online Account, is accepted in 23rd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction
December 2020: Our paper titled, Understanding User Behavior, Information Exposure, and Privacy Risks in Managing Old Devices, is accepted in 23rd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction
November 2020: Our paper titled, On Improving the Memorability of System-assigned Recognition-based Passwords, is accepted in Behaviour & Information Technology
November 2020: Served as the Session Chair in WPES 2020
October 2020: Our paper titled, A Look into User Privacy and Third-party Applications in Facebook, is accepted in Information and Computer Security
July 2020: Our paper titled, A First Look into Users' Perceptions of Digital Medicine Technology, is accepted in ACM CSCW'20 (poster session)
July 2020: Our paper titled, Managing Old Device: User Behavior, Information Exposure, and Privacy Risks, is accepted in WIPS'20
July 2020: Our paper titled, ``I cannot do anything'': User's Behavior and Protection Strategy upon Losing, or Identifying Unauthorized Access to Online Account, is accepted in SOUPS'20 (poster session)
July 2020: Invited to serve in the Program Committee of WPES 2020
June 2020: Awarded with NSF SaTC Collaborative Grant as the Lead Principal Investigator [Press Release]
June 2020: Our paper titled,``Most Companies Share Whatever They Can to Make Money!'': Comparing User's Perceptions with the Data Practices of IoT Devices, is accepted in HAISA'20
May 2020: Our paper titled,``We Don't Give a Second Thought Before Providing Our Information'': Understanding Users' Perceptions of Information Collection by Apps in Urban Bangladesh, is accepted in ACM COMPASS'20.
May 2020: Our paper titled, Understanding the Sensibility of Social Media Use and Privacy with Bangladeshi Facebook Group Users, is accepted in ACM COMPASS'20 (poster session)
March 2020: Our paper titled, 'Purdah' as Privacy: Understanding Privacy in Bangladeshi Islamic communities, is accepted in CHI'20 Workshop on IslamicHCI
February 2020: Our paper titled, Privacy Vulnerabilities in Public Digital Service Centers in Dhaka, Bangladesh, is accepted in ICTD'20
December 2019: Awarded with USU RC Grant as the Lead Principal Investigator
November 2019: Our paper titled, Understanding User's Decision to Interact with Potential Phishing Posts on Facebook using a Vignette Study, is published in ACM CCS (poster session)