Mahdi Nasrullah Al-Ameen
Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science
Utah State University
If to choose between the sunny and a rainy day,
it's the later – it comes with a rainbow.
If to choose between an open city and dense woods,
it's the later – it signals unseen mysteries.
If to choose between bicycle and a car,
may be, the later – on some days, I am very lazy.
If to choose between a free trip to the moon and
a walk in evening – just anywhere – with a friend I care,
it's always the later…because…it matters…

Exploring Security and Privacy Issues in Online Social Networks through Studying Users' Security Perceptions & Browsing Behavior

A Comprehensive Study of GeoPass: Identifying the Strategies to Ensure Usability & Security for Geographic Location-based Authentication Scheme

Examining the Impact of Cues and User Interaction on the Memorability of System-Assigned Random Passwords, to Address the Usability-Security Tension in Online User Authentication

Digital Security in Journalism: Studying the Security Practices of Journalists and Identifying the Requirements for Usable, Secure, and Trustworthy Communication